The Dos and Don’ts of Creating Compelling Property Listing Videos

- The Dos and Don'ts of Creating Compelling Property Listing Videos

In today’s digital age, creating a compelling property listing video is becoming increasingly important for real estate agents and sellers. With the rise of social media, online marketplaces, and virtual tour technology, it’s no longer enough to simply take photos of a property and post them online. Buyers are looking for more immersive experiences that allow them to truly envision themselves in their future home.

Thanks to platforms like, these visually stunning masterpieces can now go viral in an instant, reaching thousands of eyeballs hungry for their next real estate fix. However, creating a successful property listing video is not as simple as hitting record on your smartphone camera. There are certain dos and don’ts that must be taken into consideration in order to create a video that captures the attention of potential buyers and ultimately leads to a successful sale.

The Importance of Property Listing Videos

When it comes to selling a property, one of the most effective ways to attract potential buyers is through listing videos. However, not all videos are created equal. To create compelling property listing videos, there are certain dos and don’ts that should be followed.

One of the most important dos is to showcase the best features of the property. This can include stunning views, modern amenities, spacious living areas and more. Additionally, it’s important to ensure that the video is visually appealing and high quality. Shaky camera work or poor lighting can detract from the overall impact of the video.


1. Keep the video short and sweet:

A property listing video should be no longer than two to three minutes. In today’s fast-paced world, people have very little attention span and are likely to lose interest if the video is too long.

2. Use high-quality equipment:

Invest in good quality cameras, lighting equipment, and microphones to ensure that your videos look and sound professional. Poor quality videos can make your property look unappealing and may turn off potential buyers.

3. Show off the best features of the property:

Identify the unique selling points of each property you’re listing and highlight them in your video. For example, if a house has a beautiful garden or an amazing view, make sure you showcase that in your video.

4. Add music to set the right mood:

Music can help create an emotional connection with viewers and set the tone for your property listing video. Choose appropriate music that matches the style of house you are showcasing.

5. Provide context through narration:

Narration can help provide additional information about the property being showcased as well as give context on its location or neighborhood details such as schools, restaurants or shopping centers nearby.

1. Highlight the Best Features

One of the most important things to do when creating property listing videos is to highlight the best features of the property. This includes showcasing any unique or standout features, such as a stunning view or luxurious amenities. It’s also important to emphasize any upgrades or renovations that have been done to the property.

When highlighting these features, it’s crucial to use high-quality visuals and clear audio narration. Viewers should be able to easily see and understand what makes the property special. Additionally, consider adding captions or text overlays to draw attention to specific features.

2. Use Professional Equipment and Editing

Using professional equipment and editing are essential when it comes to creating property listing videos. The quality of the video plays a significant role in how the property is perceived by potential clients. Using professional equipment such as high-quality cameras, microphones, and lighting can help improve the overall quality of the video.

In addition to using professional equipment, editing is also crucial to creating compelling property listing videos. Editing helps refine the footage, making it more visually appealing and engaging for viewers. Properly edited videos should have a clear structure that showcases all essential features of the property while keeping viewers engaged from start to finish.

3. Create a Storyline


Start with a clear storyline. A property listing video should have a clear beginning, middle, and end that takes the viewer on a journey through the property. Start with an attention-grabbing opening shot that sets the scene and draws viewers in. Next, showcase the key features of the property in an engaging way that highlights their unique selling points. Finally, wrap up with a call to action that encourages viewers to take the next step.


Get bogged down in details. While it’s important to provide information about the property, don’t overwhelm viewers with too much detail or technical jargon. Keep it simple and focus on what makes this property special and desirable


In conclusion, creating compelling property listing videos is a great way to attract potential buyers and showcase your property’s unique features. By following the dos and don’ts outlined in this article, you can ensure that your videos are engaging, informative, and visually appealing. Remember to include high-quality footage, clear narration, and a strong call to action at the end of each video. With these tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way to creating effective property listing videos that help you sell your property quickly and easily. So why wait? Start filming today and see the results for yourself!

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